When the U.S. Government no longer works for the U.S.people, but for big corporations... Then it is Time to Take a Stand.
Money Out Of Politics | Restore The Peoples Voice
The U.S. Government has become so obsessed with money, that it controls everything. It has intertwined its self with every aspect of governance. It is now required that politicians spend more time fundraising than actually doing the people's work. When large private donors control the politicians these politicians are no longer working for the good of the American people, but instead for the interests of their large donors. We have lost many of our elected officials to this infection of money into our political arena and the only way we will ever re-gain control of our elected officials is by removing the temptation that money holds over them. By voting in politicians that pledge to removing the power and impact that Citizens United is having over the landscape of Washington D.C., we can then slowly remove the grip that the wealthy and special interests have over this country and the American People. DCdysfunction will help you Stay Engaged and Stay Informed.
Biden Administration
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When the U.S. Government only works for the ones with the largest amounts of money... Then it is Time to Take a Stand.
When U.S. Elected Government Officials no longer do the peoples' work...
Then it is Time to Take a Stand!
Overall 2024 Fundraising Leaders House
1. Rep. Steve Scalise - Louisiana District 01
Senator from Massachusetts; born on September 12, 1959, in Kittery, Maine; graduated Wakefield High School, Wakefield, Mass., 1977; B.A., Tufts University, 1981; J.D., Boston College Law School, 1985; Massachusetts Army National Guard 1979-present, attaining the rank of lieutenant colonel, and serving in the Judge Advocate Generals Corps; lawyer
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