United States Senate

United States Image Map

DCDysfunction 2024 112th Congress - Please select a state and view that states Senator. You will be able to see what bills they have Sponsored and Co-Sponsored. Their over all rating and a link to their campaign donations. At DCdysfunction we believe that there is too much money in politics. After the Citizens-United ruling it has gotten crazy with the amount of money being poured into campaign funds. Not to mention the Ambiguity of where and from whom the money is comming from. It is time to stop this selling of our nation to those with the most money. Corporations Are Not People! They are an entity and should not be granted the same rights as an American Citizen. We also feel that Congress no longer works for the people of the United States and we will post articles of grid-lock. Also you can view some of the latest Bills that are being discussed and voted on.

Senate Bills

Senate Bills

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Connecticut Delaware Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Maryland Massachusetts /Senate.cshtml?State=MA Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Hampshire New Jersey New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

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